Fraud Blocker

From Malta to Berlin: The call to the Federal Economic Senate

Dear customers and partners,

We would like to share a special moment with you. Recently, our Managing Partner, Alfons Schwarte, received a great honor and responsibility. He has been appointed to represent the external economy location of Malta in the Federal Economic Senate. He is extremely grateful for this recognition and understands that it would not have been possible without the support and trust of his partners, colleagues, and mentors. He wholeheartedly thanks everyone who has accompanied and supported him on his professional journey.

The Federal Economic Senate is a significant body that significantly influences the economic development and interests of our region. He takes this great responsibility seriously and will dedicate himself fully to it with commitment and dedication. He firmly believes that together, we can achieve great things. He invites you to exchange ideas, develop solutions, and advance our region. He is highly motivated and looks forward to collaborating with each and every one of you.
We congratulate him on this success and thank him for his trust and support. Together, we will shape the future.